About Us

What We Do

We work with hospitals, surgery centers, health care professionals, medical societies, specialty registries, data and evidenced-based consulting, and multi-surgeon/multi-center collaboratives.

We offer quality improvement projects, safety initiative program(s), data abstraction, and data analysis.

We work with Medical Systems, Equipment, Device, Pharmaceutical and Other Manufacturers, and others involved in the care of patients and healthcare clients.

We offer sponsored collaboratives, research programs, data abstractions, and data analysis that also deliver real-world, evidence-based deliverables.

Qualitee 360 research can be used to help improve patient safety, patient outcomes and drive revenue.

Clinical Providers

Understand Your Patient Population.

Med Tech Companies

Know Your Target Market and Who Benefits.
Proud partner and member of the ASMBS Corporate Council.  Enhancing and developing joint strategies and efforts of bariatric surgeons, healthcare, and industry professionals in a proactive approach to addressing the challenges of obesity.